Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence Attorneys in Pasadena

Compassion for Clients, Commitment to Results

A domestic violence charge can be a painful situation that results in the government gaining access to details concerning your private life. In recent years, lawmakers have attempted to “crack down on crime” by enforcing harsher penalties for domestic violence convictions, making the advocacy of an experienced Pasadena domestic violence defense attorney all the more necessary.

For 30+ years, Tedford & Associates have successfully defended clients in the Pasadena area from domestic violence charges, and no matter your situation, our attorneys can utilize their skill and expertise to provide the strong defense that you deserve.

What sets us apart from other criminal defense attorneys:

  • 30+ years of experience.
  • Serving the area since 1994.
  • We offer free consultations.
  • You get the personalized attention you deserve.
  • Se habla español.

Broadly defined, domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence charges take on many forms, including physical aggression, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or intimidation.

Give us a call today at (626) 790-1066 to get in touch with an attorney who cares for your well-being!