Pedestrian Accidents

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Pasadena Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Handling Pedestrian Injury Cases with Care

California laws were created to keep everyone safe—drivers and pedestrians alike. We are supposed to “share the road” with everyone equally to minimize the frequency of accidents. Unfortunately, people still continue to ignore this basic standard of precaution and act recklessly. This is what causes a vast majority of pedestrian accidents.

At Tedford & Associates, our commitment to our clients is simply unparalleled. We fight aggressively to protect the rights of those who have been injured, especially pedestrians who are defenseless against the impact of a car, motorcycle, or truck.

The Standard of Care

All drivers are held to a particular standard—they must drive cautiously and lawfully. Every movement should be careful and cautious to prevent an accident. As personal injury lawyers, we have seen motorists act egregiously and act outside this standard of care. We have represented thousands of individuals, from joggers and runners to mothers, children, and elders who were hurt because of a negligent driver.

Give us a call today at (626) 790-1066 to get in touch with an attorney who cares for your well-being!

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

According to the California Highway Patrol, more than 12,000 pedestrians in California were injured in 2010.

Some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents include:

  • Driver distraction
  • Speeding and other traffic violations
  • Failing to give pedestrians the right of way
  • Failing to yield
  • Disregarding traffic signals
  • Not using the vehicle’s turn signals
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Failing to readjust driving to the weather conditions

It takes a thorough and exhaustive investigation to prove that a motorist was negligent. Luckily, we are seasoned Pasadena pedestrian accident lawyers who know what to look for and how to trace back the steps of an accident. We can use the information we uncover to build a compelling claim and present it to the insurance adjuster. We fight for nothing less than the full compensation to which you are entitled.

Wrongful Death & Pedestrian Accidents

More than 600 pedestrians died as a result of motor vehicle accidents in 2010 in California, 25% age 65 and older. If you lost a loved one because of a pedestrian accident, we can file a wrongful death claim against those whose negligence caused the accident.