Pasadena Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorney Ted Tedford sits down with Rob Anspach and shares his thoughts on establishing liability, negotiating the legal system, pain management, mentoring, integrity and self-care on episode 230 of the E-Heroes podcast. This is Part 4 of 5.
Rob Anspach:
Yeah. Well, let’s, let’s talk about disappointments. I know that you just came off of a huge case and the verdict was a little not entirely on your side. So when you spend all that time with somebody and you don’t get them the verdict that you want, how do you feel?
Ted Tedford:
It’s a mixed feeling. The case you’re referring to lasted for five years. The trial was six months long. And it was a multiple defendant case, a conspiracy to commit robberies. And during those robberies, some rapes were committed. So kidnapping was involved, and ultimately there was a murder. So, going into the case, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy and my client was pegged as the leader of the conspiracy, as the mastermind, if you will. And in California we have what’s called the felony murder rule. And so even if you’re not present when these crimes are occurring, the guys that committed them, you end up with the same liability as they do. And so my client was facing 15 different possibilities of getting a life sentence. There were 15 different ways, or what we call life enhancements, and we beat 14 of them. But he got one, he got convicted on the felony murder because the state was able to prove that he was the leader organizer of this conspiracy to commit the robberies, and that he provided the weapon that ultimately was the murder weapon.
Ted Tedford:
So that was difficult to swallow. I’m still sort of coming off of that and like I told you earlier I’m recovering. But the good news is, my client was very grateful. Even after the trial, I spent a lot of time with him the following day. And he had nothing but nice things to say and good things to say about the defense that I was able to provide for him.
Rob Anspach:
Well he knocked those convictions down from 15 to one. Yeah. I mean, that’s a heck of a win, even though he’s still…
Ted Tedford:
He’s still, he’s still facing life. Yeah. But the thing with a case like that is there’s so many different people involved in the case. You know, we talk about the actual defendant that I got to know and it wasn’t easy to get to know him. I live in Pasadena area and this case was venue’d in northern California, 390 miles away. So I had to spend some time going up there and getting to know him because he was incarcerated for the last five years pending trial. But in addition to that, I got to know his girlfriend, I got to know his children, I got to know his mother and father, and under really understand this family. And, sort of what made them tick and why they were still so supportive of their son even though he was charged with these crimes.
Rob Anspach:
Wow. Yeah. I think listening to this story, I get this feeling, well I already kind of already knew, you will do what you have to do. I mean you’re going to be that person that understands their family, understands everything, the whole complete story, and you won’t stop until you know it’s righted. And I’m sure that the family’s very appreciative of your support.
Ted Tedford:
They are, I mean the mother was so kind and she delivered a gift to my office last week,
Rob Anspach:
Ted Tedford:
And this is one week post trial. She came in and left a gift for me and a nice card. And I called her back and talked to her and thanked her. She just said I know you did every possible thing you could to try and save my son.
Rob Anspach:
When you’re not saving lives, what do you like to do?
Ted Tedford:
I like to watch movies, TV, but I also like to do snowboard. I like to off-road race. I actually have an off-road race car and I’ve been racing for about 25 years. In little races like the Baja 1000 and the Baja 500 and things like that. I ride dirt bikes and I hunt.
Rob Anspach:
And I think I saw a picture of you at a stadium, was that football?
Ted Tedford:
I am a very, very avid fan of Los Angeles sports. I attend regularly. I attend Dodger games, LAFC soccer games, who, by the way, I got to give a shout out. They just won the championship for MLS this year. And LA King’s Hockey. So I’ve got season tickets to all three and I rotate around and try and hit as many games as possible.
Rob Anspach:
It’s probably kind of hard when you’re defending clients. You’re missing some of your games.
Ted Tedford:
I miss a lot of them, but…
Rob Anspach:
Ted Tedford:
My employees make out because they get to use ’em when I’m not using them,
Rob Anspach:
So. How do people find you? Where do they go?
Ted Tedford:
Well, the website is Is probably the best way to at least get an introduction to me. I also have a Facebook page, Tedford and Associates is the name of the firm. And people hit me up there too.
Rob Anspach:
So if they want to learn more about you or they want to go Baja racing.
Ted Tedford:
Rob Anspach:
Ted Tedford:
Rob Anspach:
But you know this is what makes you an E-Hero because you’re not only a compassionate person, you’re out there to protect the rights of others, but you also enjoy having fun with your family and your friends and even your coworkers.
Ted Tedford:
Yeah, absolutely. And that’s one thing I really do, I’m sure you hear this from the lawyers you work with the…the satisfaction rate of lawyers, it’s pretty low. Kind of a mishmash, but most of them are not very happy in their work. And I’ve been doing it for almost 30 years. I love doing what I do. I love helping people and I love going to work and working with my team. My team’s been together for almost a decade now. I think the longest I have right now is 12 years that one of my staff has been with me and I love working with them.