Why Criminal Law?

You know, it’s interesting when I started out and even thinking about going to law school, I really wasn’t sure what type of law I wanted to practice. During law school, I had the opportunity to work with the Attorney General’s office as an intern between my first and second year. I really got to see  how the policies are made on the AG side. And I knew I didn’t want to be a prosecutor after working with the Attorney General’s office and also doing a stint with the city attorney’s office. And in both of those situations, I was developing policies and also working with prosecutors. What I saw was a complete unfair advantage that the prosecutors have over Joe Schmo, who gets charged with a crime, whether it be from DUI to spousal abuse, to child abuse, all the way up through murder cases. It seemed to me that it was going to be a lot more rewarding to try and help the underdog.

Hi I’m James Tedford, aka “Ted”. I’m the lead trial attorney at Tedford & Associates and I’m a fourth generation Californian. If you are facing charges for a crime in Pasadena, you need to get an attorney on your side as soon as possible. If your loved one has just been arrested, it is of the utmost importance that they do not speak to law enforcement officials about anything to do with their crime until an attorney is there to fully defend their rights.

Police will generally attempt to get defendants to admit their guilt in some way and use this against them in court. Our criminal defense lawyers are here to stop that from happening. We are passionate about standing up for our clients and ensuring that their best interests are always represented.

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